Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Just got back...

...from Joshua Tree. So much to tell, but some other time. I'll post some of the photos I took as well, once they've been developed.

Also, we're very disappointed that Polyester didn't receive any comments.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

"Polyester LIVE!"

This is a video I shot about 10 months ago, but just recently managed to get past some editor's block and finally finish.

Because of scheduling conflicts we shot it with Polyester lipsyncing to Frank Sinatra's version, then recorded Polyester's own version afterwards. So that made editing/sound syncing really difficult. So I gave up on it for a few months. But then after looking at it with fresh eyes last week, I had a breakthrough and was able to whip it up and finish it surprisingly easy. Funny how that happens sometimes.

So, here it is! Let me know what you think and please post comments on the video:

by Jon

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Gone, Baby, Gone.

A year ago I had a dream that I was stranded in a town that I had never been to. To my dismay, I had a miscarriage, I didn't even know that I was pregnant. I was looking everywhere for Jon. I couldn't find him. Little did I know that this dream would come true a year later.

By Katie B

Monday, November 10, 2008

Katie's paintings

Now you can all see my paintings. I've only been at it for a year, so don't be too harsh. I hope you like them. Go to www.flickr.com/photos/katiebpaintings/

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Proposition 8, the Prop that Shagged Me...

(This was a comment I posted on our friend Jes Beach (Seaman)'s blog, but it was so long, I figured I should also copy/paste it into our blog. So here you go)

We both voted NO. We decided to vote on it, independent of religious thought or influence, recognizing that as a Proposition it was completely unfair and damaging to the citizens of the state as a whole.

Also, and most importantly, it never should have been written AS IS. And since I didn't accept it as a well written or progressive proposition, I decided to vote No on it as a way of saying that it should be thrown out for a better written proposition to take its place in the next election.

My idea, is that two propositions should have been written. The issue at the beginning was in regards to the "definition" of marriage. So, they should have written a Prop 8A to define Hetero or "Traditional" Marriage, and a Prop 8B to define Homosexual Marriage. And as far as the language, they both should have been given identical rights, an included a special clause that neither practice would be taught in schools, just as with prayers and creationism are not allowed in schools. Perhaps then, everyone would have been happy...it's just an idea.

The truth is, something's gotta give. The gay community won't stop fighting, and honestly, religions don't have any reason to "fight" or to not "live and let live" on the issue.

I don't think there's any reason to be angry towards the outcome of the voting. And certainly the violence that happened today is very disappointing. But a BS proposition such as this just never should have been.

I know a lot of our LDS friends might think of this as totally going against our Church leaders. But I personally consider a No vote to simply be a "never should have been" vote, not a vote against Traditional Marriage.


by Jon

Friday, November 7, 2008

A new standard we should all live by:

If you have a swollen, stitched and/or open wound, don't parade around the Whole Foods salad bar while I'm looking for lunch.

I was doing my normal route around Whole Foods this afternoon, and had pretty much already loaded my cart with everything I needed for the next few days. The only thing I lacked was something for lunch, as I was quite peckish from not having broken fast yet and it being 2pm. So I moseyed on over to the salad and prepared food section of the store, hoping for something appetizing and satisfying all at once. What I found was the opposite.

I started at the soup area to see what they had. What I found was a young woman, a few years younger than I, opening and closing the varietal pots of soup while takings whiffs thereof in between. When she was finished, she stood erect and turned towards me, noticing that I was waiting on her. When she did this, the only thing I noticed was an incredibly nasty busted lip, swollen about 4x it's natural size with black stitches and a stench of abscess that I could smell from about 10 feet away. I was immediately completely freaked out and decided to grab something from the deli instead.

I didn't feel like buying an expensive sandwich, so I just bought some lunchmeat then returned to the salad & prepared foods section, assuming the woman was gone. But by now she'd rendezvoused with a friend near the roasted chicken, mac & cheese and grilled veggies portion of the food bar. And the smell was still there. I quickly skirted past her and made my way towards the produce section, hoping to clear my nostrils with some fresh scents from the organic goods.

After about a minute, I did another lap around the store and returned to the food bar. SHE'S STILL THERE! And at this point I was so completely traumatized by the accosting sight and smell of this woman's open wound, that I just grabbed a chicken caesar salad and got out of there.

So, seriously, for the love of humanity. If you have a visible wound that's still in any disgusting stage of healing, stay away from the grocery store.


by Jon

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Katie and I were so ecstatic that Obama won the election yesterday, it still hasn't sunk in. My life and world is filled with so much optimism and hope for the future of the country, and I couldn't be more grateful that the country was smart enough to avoid an extra 4 years of more of the same from McCain.

There are certain propositions that put a bummer in our mood, considering our stance on basic human rights and whether those propositions should have even been written in the first place. But regardless, we feel this year's day of voting was an overall win for the nation's morale, economy and mortality.

Our hope is that some of our family members (some of whom regard Clinton as the worst President of the century, even though their money troubles NOW are worse than ever...but that's another blog and a long tangent I'm getting out of...now) and neighbors who had been such huge supporters of Bush these past 8 years will do the same for our current President Elect.

Yes We Can


by Jon

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My eye hurts!!!

I read eight books in a week. Am i lame or what. Good books though, you know the Louisiana vampire mystery, love story, horny details kind of stuff, yum. Totally kicks the ass of Twilight and all those books. Check them out, Dead until dark by Charlaine Harris plus 7 more of various names. The HBO show True blood is based on these books.

By Katie

Hot Burrito...

So, it's an update you want, eh? Fine.

There are too many social networking sites on the web, and I'm trying not to be on more than two...which is why I don't check Blogger too often, since I consider it to be one. But I'll do better.

Not a whole lot has been going on. I've been working for chump change on this kid's short film that he's working on in his spare time before he has to get a real job. He saved up and has a semi-nest egg to make a film with, so I'm working at a very low rate and basically during my spare time too just to get the chance to DP between Camera Assistant gigs. It's been fun. The film is 100% improvisational, and he seems to be happy with the footage so far. The film itself probably won't go too far, perhaps a couple local fests and some in Georgia (that's where he's from originally), but I'm considering it practice in the meantime.

In Katie's world, the salon she works at is in the process of changing hands. Her boss Erin is selling the place after her sister backed out a few months ago. Erin's going to continue to work there, so Katie's hoping things won't change too much. The worst that could happen is that she won't have the 2 consecutive weeks vacation before Christmas then thru New Years. But the new owner seems cool, and the people they brought along with them (after closing down another salon they owned) Katie seems to get along with real well. But she can't help being nervous during this transitional period.

Our 6 year anniversary is coming up in December. And no, we're not going to Disneyland. We're pretty much OVER IT. Last year's trip sucked, so basically it's no more Disneyland until what kids we will have in the future are able to walk. Strollers at Disneyland are the bain of my existence...I even cringe when I see a stroller here in the city, I may be an anti-strollerite.

Anyway, so this year we booked a weekend in mid-December at the Joshua Tree Inn in Joshua Tree, CA. It's at the northwest end of Joshua Tree NP, and it's the deathplace of the great country rock singer Gram Parsons. We plan on flying into Ontario and we've rented a car for the 1.5 hr. drive to the Inn. Katie loves the desert, she's craving the sun after spending many cloudy months here in the city, and the dry air will do us some good. We're both very nostalgiac for the early 70's period of rock n' roll, so we're hoping it's a porthole of sorts where we can lose ourselves in the history of the place. We've even been inspired by the trip to purchase boots for ourselves. Katie's are kinda cowgirl-ish, and mine are somewhere between Western/Biker/Italian style, so they suit my tastes completely ;)

If you want to learn a bit about the place, you can check out the website below. We'll be staying in the Gram Parsons room (the room where he died of a lethal morphine & alchol cocktail) for two of the nights, then staying in the Emmylou Harris (who was a very good friend of Parsons') room for just one of the nights. The scenery will be awesome, hopefully the people will be beautiful, and we're surely going to get some much needed R&R. Can't wait!


by Jon

Friday, September 26, 2008

R.I.P. Richard Wright

About a week and a half ago, I was very saddened to hear that the beloved Pink Floyd's keyboardist, Richard "Rick" Wright had passed on after a short battle with cancer. It was so short, I don't even think any of the fans knew he had it.

I guess this means I'll never see the Floyd in all their glory...as if it was going to happen anyways :/

by Jon

Update this!

After viewing an email from one of my older brothers to a somewhat long lost cousin whom I've never met, I realized it would be a good idea to have some accessible place on the worldwide web where my kin could keep up to date with what Katie and I are up to.

So here it is.

I'll get get you up to speed soon. For now, here's a somewhat recent photo of the two of us.

by Jon