Saturday, November 8, 2008

Proposition 8, the Prop that Shagged Me...

(This was a comment I posted on our friend Jes Beach (Seaman)'s blog, but it was so long, I figured I should also copy/paste it into our blog. So here you go)

We both voted NO. We decided to vote on it, independent of religious thought or influence, recognizing that as a Proposition it was completely unfair and damaging to the citizens of the state as a whole.

Also, and most importantly, it never should have been written AS IS. And since I didn't accept it as a well written or progressive proposition, I decided to vote No on it as a way of saying that it should be thrown out for a better written proposition to take its place in the next election.

My idea, is that two propositions should have been written. The issue at the beginning was in regards to the "definition" of marriage. So, they should have written a Prop 8A to define Hetero or "Traditional" Marriage, and a Prop 8B to define Homosexual Marriage. And as far as the language, they both should have been given identical rights, an included a special clause that neither practice would be taught in schools, just as with prayers and creationism are not allowed in schools. Perhaps then, everyone would have been's just an idea.

The truth is, something's gotta give. The gay community won't stop fighting, and honestly, religions don't have any reason to "fight" or to not "live and let live" on the issue.

I don't think there's any reason to be angry towards the outcome of the voting. And certainly the violence that happened today is very disappointing. But a BS proposition such as this just never should have been.

I know a lot of our LDS friends might think of this as totally going against our Church leaders. But I personally consider a No vote to simply be a "never should have been" vote, not a vote against Traditional Marriage.


by Jon

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